

FIA is committed to delivering a more sustainable conference and each year, with the support of Sustainability Sponsor Blackbaud, we introduced some new initiatives in 2024: 


  • Reusable wall panelling: The FIA Stand featured reusable signage for the third year running. 
  • Recyclable signage: All directional signage and the FIA Awards Feature were made from recyclable materials.  
  • Lanyard recycling via BlockTEXX: Attendees were asked to recycle their lanyards instead of letting them enter landfill.  Saved textiles from landfill: Any left-over textiles, such as volunteer t-shirts were sent to Upparel to be repurposed/recycled instead. 
  • Enhanced vegan and vegetarian meal options: The conference catered to diverse dietary preferences and reduced carbon emissions by offering 50% plant-based meal choices.
  • Carbon calculator integration: The Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) provided a calculation of our carbon footprint whilst at the venue. This tool allows us to gauge the event’s environmental footprint and provides a benchmark for further improvements.  In response FIA donated to GreenFleet to offset these emissions. GreenFleet will use this donation to plant legally protected native forests in QLD on behalf of FIA. 



As part of their Sustainability Sponsorship, Blackbaud conducted a few of their own initiatives: 


  • Voting Booth for Charitable Donations: Blackbaud set up a voting booth where visitors could allocate tokens to their preferred environmental charity. The Great Barrier Reef Foundation received the highest number of votes and was awarded a $500 donation. Bush Heritage secured second place with a $300 donation, while The Wilderness Society received $200. 
  • C2Zero eCertificates: Blackbaud purchased eCertificates from C2Zero. These certificates remove emission allowances from the market and securely store them in a virtual vault. By doing so, they prevent big polluters from accessing these allowances. The value of the purchased certificates equates to 10 tonnes of CO2 prevented from being released. 

To put this in perspective: 

    • It’s more than the emissions generated by 2,800 litres of petrol. 
    • Equivalent to the carbon footprint of 4,000 takeaway Pepperoni pizzas (including cardboard boxes). 
    • Comparable to producing 4,300 kg of steel in a blast furnace. 
    • Approximately the emissions from two return flights from Sydney to London (economy class).