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Strategic Grants

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Strategic Grants


Strategic Grants is the provider of the Grants Expertise Management System, GEMS, the largest database of all grant funding available to for-purpose organisations across Australia and New Zealand. Our Trans-Tasman team is Australia and New Zealand’s most trusted team of grants specialists. Strategic Grants has more than 20 years’ industry experience, with a proven track record of success ranging from small grassroots grants through to multi-million-dollar government tenders.


We build your capacity to apply for and win grant funding, using extensive sector knowledge, research, strong writing, training, and robust processes. We believe every non-profit has potential to make a difference in their community, and yet no two organisations are the same. That’s why we tailor every solution, based on your specific needs, goals and internal capacity.


Our purpose stretches beyond simply best-practice grant writing. We mentor organisations to be grant ready, including strategic workshops, grants management and advisory services, program planning and evaluation training. We bridge the divide between grant makers and grant seekers, using our extensive network of relationships with funding bodies and industry associations to gather knowledge and share challenges. These services improve our clients’ ability to deliver programs, track and deliver outcomes reporting and maintain effective long-term partnerships with key funders.

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