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TRACK • Gifts in Wills

Where passion meets purpose: The inspiring evolution of a gifts in Wills program

Thursday 29 Feb 2024 - 8:30 am to 9:30 am

In the beautiful world of Gifts in Wills we can witness the power of passion converging with the profound purpose of philanthropy.


Carol O’Carroll will discuss the strategies and resources deployed at Cerebral Palsy Alliance (CPA) over the past 5 years which have led to increases in the numbers of confirmed bequestors, considerers and intenders. 


In particular, she will cover:

*How CPA segments their database to identify individuals who have shown a strong affinity to the organisation.  

*Recent campaigns using multi-channel engagement to bring prospects on a journey alongside the cause.

*The development of the legacy society to recognise legacy donors during their lifetimes to make them feel appreciated and valued.  As stewardship of confirmed bequestors is essential, CPA developed their LOVE PROGRAM which identifies these special supporters at different levels based on their life stage, and their needs and preferences.

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