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TRACK • Masterclasses

Masterclass: Maximising Supporter Experience

Wednesday 28 Feb 2024 - 8:30 am to 2:00 pm

Optimising your supporter’s experience is directly linked to a higher donor lifetime value and satisfaction. So how can you do this in a creative, flexible, and practical way? Join this masterclass for a deep dive into what a good supporter experience is, what the research is showing, the tools and methods you can use to listen, structure and evaluate your organisation’s experience, and practical takeaways for improving this important facet of your fundraising. You’ll also learn from three different charities what good experience means to their organisation, and how they’ve actioned change from development to implementation.

Participants will leave with evidence reinforcing why a focus on the donor experience is critical, a deeper understanding of the best practices and behaviours to utilise, as well as a deeper understanding of how agile ways of working can identify and develop ideal experiences to meet the needs of any supporters in this rapidly changing landscape.

This masterclass will be facilitated by Fiona McPhee of Revolutionise & The Benchmarking Project with support from Maria Muir (an agility expert and Partner from Sooner Safer Happier), and feature case studies by Rachel Lance from WWF-Australia, Kat Piper formerly from Save the Children New Zealand, and Lisa Allan from The Smith Family.

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