Conference Program

Conference Program

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TRACK • Mid-Value and Major Donors, Grants, and Partnerships

Reimagining relationships in pursuit of sustainability

Friday 21 Feb 2025 - 12:10 pm to 1:10 pm

  • Advanced (more than 7 years experience)

Are you keen reimagine your organisational relationships and partnerships from a foundation of equality and shared mutual benefit – from a foundation of growth, inspiration and aspiration?

Aunty Lilla Watson, an Aboriginal elder activist and educator from Queensland, once said – “If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together”

At Red Dust we are on a mission to reimagine our partnerships in the pursuit of sustainability.

We are learning how it’s possible to move beyond the handout and the hand up and explore what happens when you level the playing field and work together as equals.

Mid-Value and Major Donors, Grants, and Partnerships Track Sponsored By:
