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TRACK • Gifts in Wills

Understanding more about securing BIG Gifts in Wills

Thursday 29 Feb 2024 - 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

  • Intermediate (2-7 years experience)
  • Advanced (more than 7 years experience)

(Virtual Session)

High value bequest gifts are invaluable to charities, and to the causes that they serve. Analysis shows both that better off supporters are responsible for a significant proportion of income, and that charities are particularly reliant on those people who choose to leave a larger percentage of their estates.  In this session, Ashley, Lucinda and Claire will explore the importance of big gifts in wills to charities, before sharing insights from some recent research on who leaves larger gifts and why. We’ll finish the session by exploring the implications for charities: how can they work both internally and externally to maximise the value of gifts in wills, whilst providing a great experience for potential high value legacy supporters?


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