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TRACK • Gifts in Wills

A lifetime of memories and the relationship with gifts in Wills

Thursday 29 Feb 2024 - 11:20 am to 12:50 pm

  • General Fundraiser (all fundraisers)

Key life events play a pivotal role in shaping an individuals’ identity, values, and charitable engagement. These experiences can be the driver for their connection with your cause. We know that on average there is 12 years from a first gift and a realised gift in Will. This may not be surprising but what is, is that nurturing a supporter for a lifetime is just as important for everyone in the organisation as TBP found 36% of income came from supporters who’s first gift was 10yrs+.

Bring your team to this session, so together we can understand the life triggers and the life stages we must navigate during our engagement with our supporters to create meaningful connections and memorable experiences.

Prepare to be captivated by the research-backed insights from More Strategic, immerse yourself in the narratives of real-life supporters, and broaden your understanding through an array of case studies.

During the session, we will conduct a deep dive into life experiences that shape a supporter’s charitable engagement:

  • Births, Deaths, Marriage & Divorce
  • Wealth, Work, Retirement and Inheritance
  • Religion
  • Health Crisis or loss
  • Emergencies

We will highlight the significance of empathetic conversations that occur between fundraisers and supporters during life events. Recognising the unique role fundraisers play as an empathetic listener whilst also enabling their giving, volunteering and often sharing their story.

By participating in this session, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the profound influence that life events have on charitable giving. This knowledge will empower you to build meaningful connections and create memorable experiences with supporters that leave a lasting impact.

Gifts in Wills Track Sponsored By:


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